Field guide – working smarter with PKM
Saving this to return to later. Personal Knowledge Mastery from Harold Jarche.
Saving this to return to later. Personal Knowledge Mastery from Harold Jarche.
Link to Big 5 test by Jordan B Peterson and supporting resources
Link to Purpose Playbook and supporting resources
A link to resources on Social Learning by Wenger-Trayner
A paper from MDV on VUCA
A link to a page with a number of articles on VUCA.
Link to distance learning resources
A double sized document to help trainers and facilitators get the best out of Zoom
The Recovery Star developed by the Association of Mental Health Providers (formely the Mental Health Providers Forum), is an outcomes measure which enables people using services to measure their own recovery progress, with the help of mental health workers or [...]
A series of sketchnotes from a session by Ia Brix on designing and using visual templates.
Via Kulvir Bahra The first process of the MBI model is to map cultural differences present in the team. In this article, we learn how to actually do this in a team. — Read on
A sketchnote on the role of fear in facilitation from the book The Collaboration Code
A sketchnote on the role of trust in the process of facilitation
The Scan Focus Act facilitation model in a sketchnote summary - Taken from The Collaboration Code book series
A sketchnote on how to do solid co-facilitation from the book series The Collaboration Code
A sketchnote on an approach to facilitation outlines in The Collaboration Code book series