Article: How to foster ‘shoshin’
Article link: How to foster ‘shoshin’
Article link: How to foster ‘shoshin’
Link to article: The Futures Cone, use and history
Link to the book leading and managing people in the dynamic organisation
Article to read later: Chaos Theory says that organizations are "complex adaptive systems" and that through this lens, we can build emergent, adaptive and resilient organizations. Read on here
Saving for later: how trust in groups works, and why it matters — Read on
A sketchnote from a session by Pierluigi Pugliese
A paper by Steve Munby on the future of leadership development in the education sector.
Link to Big 5 test by Jordan B Peterson and supporting resources
A paper from MDV on VUCA
A link to a page with a number of articles on VUCA.
The Recovery Star developed by the Association of Mental Health Providers (formely the Mental Health Providers Forum), is an outcomes measure which enables people using services to measure their own recovery progress, with the help of mental health workers or [...]
Via Kulvir Bahra The first process of the MBI model is to map cultural differences present in the team. In this article, we learn how to actually do this in a team. — Read on
THIS is an interesting post on the idea of post VUCA by Marguerite Coetzee. Via Dave Snowden on twitter.
A link to Remote Worktree a resource for remote workers and their leaders
An interesting but short overview of how leadership models have developed over time
This is the fifth in a series of articles around key concepts that have impacted me personally and professionally over the course of my career. I cam across the phrase of comfort zone early in my career when working at [...]