Last week I attended an online session on “Complexity Chaos and Covid-19” which brought in Dave Snowden and several people connected to Cognitive Edge together to discuss how to deal with Corona Virus.

The session was a conversation chaired by Sonja Blignaut and a pretty big challenge of my sketchnoting abilities. HERE is her blog on the webinar.

My three top takeaways from the session were:

1) We need to accelerate to new ways of working in order to be successful – universal pay as a way of covering financial hardship for example.

2) Cognitive diversity aids understanding and decision making.

3) Thinking needs to change: In and outside of context (dishwasher story) and time spans into the future.

Below are the three sketches from the session.

CognitiveEdge COVID19 1

CognitiveEdge COVID19 2CognitiveEdge COVID19 3