
My work as a facilitator and coach sees me work directly with corporates, NGOs and authorities (local/regional/international). I also partner with a select group of organisations on a regular basis.

Below are my current active partnerships:

Limak Business School - Andi Roberts

Limak Austrian Business School

I have been involved since 2018 with the In.Spire executive education department of the business school.
My work here has been international delivery of leadership and strategy workshops. I continue to support bespoke projects for a range of their clients.
To learn more about Limak In.Spire visit HERE.
Designed Learning - Andi Roberts

Designed Learning

I first came across Peter Block’s work thirty years ago when working for the professional services arm of a large US corporate. His book Flawless Consulting has become integral to my way of working.

In April 2018 I was invited to become part of the international faculty team of his company Designed Learning. I am now involved closely with the core team delivering internal and public Flawless Consulting courses and supporting product development around Peter’s convening work.

To learn more about Designed Learning visit HERE.

To see the current public courses schedule visit HERE.

Transform Performance International

TPI is a business consultancy that uses in house research around beliefs and mindsets to shift paradigms and performance for organisations. I have been involved in their work for over 10 years. Recently I have been delivering coaching and training using their Secret Code psychometrics for sales professionals and leaders.
For more information on TPI visit HERE.
Tapd solutions - Andi Roberts

Tap’d Solutions

Tap’d provides an eclectic range of HR and L&D solutions. I first partnered with its founder, Anthony Ryland, over a decade ago when he held a European L&D role for a global outsourcing business. Since then have worked together through numerous roles he has taken. We currently co-design and develop programmes around leadership, resilience and organisational transformation.
For more information on Tap’d visit HERE.
New Cannibals - Andi Roberts

New Cannibals

Headed up by Stuart Hardy, New Cannibals is a creative agency that helps clients capture new sources of value and transform their business models to be fit for the future. I have been supporting Stuart’s “human engineering” processes since 1994.
To find out about New Cannibals visit HERE.
Drawify logo


Drawify is a platform that enables people to access and create hand drawn visuals from a range of illustrators and visual practitioners.

I am one of the founding drawifiers and so you can access visuals similar to my style used on this website.

To learn more about Drawify, visit HERE.

If you would like to discuss how I could bring my experience to your organisation please reach out!