Notes from coaching interview with Tuende Erdoes
Notes written as I listened to Tuende Erdoes on "Integrative presence: Debunking the myths and realities around coaching presence and goal attainment"
Notes written as I listened to Tuende Erdoes on "Integrative presence: Debunking the myths and realities around coaching presence and goal attainment"
Notes written as I listened to Teresa Pool on "Get off your Coaching Couch!"
Notes written as I listened to Judith Duhl on "Conscious Competence to Unconscious Competence: The leap into mastery"
Notes written as I listened to D Ivan Young on "Creating intimacy and trust with your client. The Empathetic path toward the Generational Moment"
A sketchnote from a session by Pierluigi Pugliese
Notes written as I listened to Ihab Badawi on "Coaching Wholeness: Creating Deeper & Sustainable Impact"
Notes written as I listened to Fran Fisher on "Calling Forth Greatness: Who I am Being Empowers My Coaching"
Notes written as I listened to Diana Ideus on "No One Listens Like Coaches Listen"
Notes written as I listened to Cherie Silas on "Introduction to systems coaching: What is it and how is it different than coaching individuals"
Notes written as I listened to Dr Ben Koh on "Transcendent - Coaching in the Moment"
A double sized document to help trainers and facilitators get the best out of Zoom
A series of sketchnotes from a session by Ia Brix on designing and using visual templates.
A sketchnote on the role of fear in facilitation from the book The Collaboration Code
A sketchnote on the role of trust in the process of facilitation
The Scan Focus Act facilitation model in a sketchnote summary - Taken from The Collaboration Code book series
A sketchnote on how to do solid co-facilitation from the book series The Collaboration Code